RWBY d20 Wiki

See also: Character Combat

A Dead character is an individual who has received so much damage that they are incapable of healing. This Status Effect is achieved after an individual has their Hit Points reduced to a negative number of Hit Points equal to their Constitution score (For example, a character with a Constitution score of 13 changes from being Unconscious to being Dead when their Hit Points fall to -13). A Dead character is different from an Unconscious character in that a Dead character cannot be healed, except through the use of the Revive aspect of the Treat Injury Skill (See below).

Reviving a Dead Character[]

A character with at least 5 Skill Ranks in the Treat Injury Skill can attempt to use the Revive aspect of the Treat Injury Skill within 1 round of the character's Death (That is, until the Dead character's next turn). The healer must succeed on a Treat Injury DC equal to 15 + the number of negative Hit Points possessed by the Dead character (For example, a Dead character with -14 Hit Points must be revived with a Treat Injury DC of 29).

A character revived through the use of the Revive aspect of the Treat Injury Skill is restored to 0 Hit Points, but remains Unconscious, and must attempt to regain consciousness as normal (See Unconscious for more details).
